Sunday, September 19, 2010

Release Preperation Started

The preparation for the release of Growing Pains has been started. E-mails have sent out to all comic retailers in Michigan and Wisconsin providing their e-mails are listed on The Master List.

If you live in either of those states or any other state for that matter and would like to buy a copy. You can either have your comic retailer shoot me an e-mail at

" power bomb fourteen eleven at yahoo dot com "

No spaces in that and fourteen eleven equal actual numbers and not words.

I will make it worth their time to carry the book. The only financial risk to them is carrying the book, promotional materiel is free and shipping is free.

I do not know at this time if that will be the case for any orders placed online by non retailers. But I don't gouge for shipping either.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Retailer Info Coming Soon

I'm getting the final game plan together for the retailers. I will not be going through Diamond due to their poor service. That's not to say I even tried though. I didn't try and don't know if they would accept me if I tried to get my book out through them. But I don't want to deal with them. I will be eliminating the middle man and taking care of the shipping myself.

That being said, I don't want my books to be a charity case either. I want the retailers to want to carry my books so I will do what I can to make it worth their time.

Side note. It was brought to my attention the link to Growing Pains didn''t work. That post had been saved as a draft a few times and the most recent time it was simply left unpublished for some reason.

Growing Pains #1 can once again be found here for free.


Enjoy the book?

Donations are greatly appreciated. I'm not expecting to make a profit, but it'd be incredible to break even.